WhyTry? A Program Evaluation


In Minnesota, one out of every five students fail to graduate from high school (Alliance for Excellent Education, 2009). Long before students decide to drop out of school, a host of risk factors or early predictors undoubtedly emerged in childhood. The purpose of this research pilot project was to determine the efficacy of the WhyTry? program in helping to reduce some of those risk factors such as: Truancy, Behavior problems in school, Low academic achievement, and School disengagement. The WhyTry? Program uses a strengths-based approach to help youth overcome their challenges and improve their outcomes at school. WhyTry? is based on sound empirical principles and uses (Moore, 2001): Solution Focused Brief Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Social and emotional learning strategies, A series of 10 visual analogies, Experiential activities, and Videos and music with positive lyrics

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