Integrative Approach: A Teacher Evaluation Process to Improve Practice at Fraser Valley Christian High School


This qualitative case study examines if the teacher evaluation process at Fraser Valley Christian High School (FVC) leads to improved teacher practices. In this case study, the author examines three current teachers at FVC who have gone through the evaluation process in the last twelve months and the impact the evaluation process had on their practice. FVC takes an integrated approach to its evaluation, combining both summative and formative evaluations with a focus on teacher participation in all facets of the process. Teachers at FVC are invited to consider how the domains of Planning and Preparation, Classroom Instruction, Classroom Community, Professional Responsibility, and Mission and Vision impact their teaching practice. These domains are considered through the use of dialogue, journaling, reading, peer observation, student surveys, parent surveys, and a summative evaluation. This case study demonstrates how the integrated teacher evaluation system at Fraser Valley Christian High School leads to improved practice

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