Manifestaciones del Teatro del Absurdo en las obras de Cristian Cortez


This work presents a study of the characteristics of the Theatre of the Absurd in Latin America and in particular Ecuador, through the study of the work of the Ecuadorian author Cristian Cortez. We review the origins of the genre from the original works of its founders -such as Samuel Beckett and Eugene Ionesco in Europe- and base our analysis in the classification made by Martin Esslin in his book Theatre of the Absurd. This study pays particular attention to the conditions in which this genre developed in Latin America, the cultural, political, social and economic aspects, and the main similarities with its origins in Europe. The analysis is based on five short plays by Cristian Cortez. The contrast among these plays is analyzed from the motivations of the author to the means that he uses to fulfill his objective. Among his plays, the most outstanding elements are mainly related with women and their struggles to live their lives and fulfill their desires in Latin American society. As we will show, the plays analyzed have many of the elements that define the theatre of the absurd and make the author a perfect example of this theatrical movement in Latin America

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