Root oxygen deprivation and the reduction of leaf stomatal aperture and gas exchange


The most ubiquitous plant abiotic stress in the global environment is generally thought to be water deficit. The opposite of water-deficit stress. flooding, initially involves relief of the abiotic factor of water deficit and only becomes stressful after flooding persists long enough to directly or indirectly interfere with a variety of plant functions via several mechanisms. The relief of stress with short term flooding (typically a day or less) is the principle upon which irrigation hinges. By contrast, the negative impacts of prolonged flooding on ecosystems, and particularly agricultural production systems, are substantial [I] and may be as significant as drought, depending on one's accounting strategy. Much of this impact is the result of the combination of soil and plant chemical, physical, and biological changes that cause stomata to close after prolonged flooding. This contributes significantly to a drastic reduction in photosynthesis and damages many other plant functions by disrupting transpiration and the complex system of hormonal control of plant systems and processes

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