Quantum strategy synthesis by Alphabet Inc


We make the business at the time of great transition from the digital disruption to the quantum disruption, when the multiple quantum inventions in the natural/social sciences lead to the quantum leaps realization by the modern firms in the hi-tech industries in the quantum creative economies of the scales and scopes in the quantum disruption age. At this opportunities/challenges time period, a chairman of the board of directors must take a personal responsibility for the creation and execution of the quantum strategy - a most effective winning virtuous organizational strategy - toward the optimal business model design/discovery for the prosperous effective organization in the quantum creative economies of the scales and scopes in the quantum disruption century. The quantum strategy uses the quantum strategy search algorithm, applying the quantum logic (the probabilistic logic) on the top of the inductive, deductive and abductive logics (the value based logics) with the purpose to create the most effective optimal winning virtuous organizational strategy by the chairman of the board of directors with the interlocking interconnecting directors in the modern firms in the quantum creative economies of the scales and scopes in the quantum disruption time. We study the case on the quantum strategy formulation and execution by a chairmen of the boards of directors with the interlocking interconnecting directors in the modern firms such as Alphabet Inc, expressing a great confidence that the quantum strategies will continue to be implemented by the prosperous organizations to increase their valuations in the quantum creative economies of the scales and scopes in the quantum disruption century

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