W kierunku neo-biurokracji: o biurokracji we współczesnych koncepcjach zarządzania publicznego


The study presents the results of the analysis of the Weberian bureaucracy descriptions in selected contemporary concepts of public management, i.e.: New Public Management, New Public Governance and Neo-Weberian State. The main argumentation is the thesis about changing perception of bureaucracy in the above-mentioned concepts, referring, among others, for reasons of standardization in management (governance), improvements of administrative and office work using tools borrowed from the business (e.g. Lean office / administration). As a result of the analysis the validity and relevance of bureaucracy was confirmed in selected public management concepts as well as differences in interpretation were discussed. Moreover the concept neo-bureaucracy was formulated on the basis of the characteristics of contemporary forms of bureaucracy. The paper concludes with an indication of the limitations of the analysis and directions for further studies on the relationship between organization of administration and its performance

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