
The Pressure of QCD at Finite Temperature and Quark Number Density


This paper is a slightly modified version of the introductory part of a doctoral dissertation that contained also three original articles, hep-ph/0212283, hep-ph/0305183 and hep-ph/0311323. Our purpose is to review the history and present status of finite-temperature perturbation theory as applied to the context of determining the equilibrium properties of quark-gluon plasma, most notably the pressure of QCD at finite temperatures and quark chemical potentials. We first introduce the general formalism of finite-temperature field theory and perturbation theory, then follow through the evaluation of the pressure order by order, and finally proceed to analyze the most recent, order g^6ln(g) results by comparing the perturbative predictions with lattice data. In the appendix we provide a somewhat pedagogical introduction to the most important computational techniques used in the perturbative framework, namely the analytic evaluation of multi-loop vacuum diagrams both in full QCD and in its three-dimensional high-T effective theories.Comment: 65 pages, 21 figures; introductory part of a PhD thesi

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