Межстрановой анализ отраслевой производительности труда в 1991-2008 годах


The article presents labor productivity estimates from 1991 to 2008 for 17 countries on industry ISIC. 3 - level. The group of countries includes USA, Canada, Brazil, Russia, Japan, China, Australia and number of major European economies. The goal is to investigate Russia`s industries comparative progress, productivity gap changes and asses possible sources for technology borrowing. In contrast to previous works analysis captures dynamics of wider country grouping on more detailed industry level. Productivity is calculated as value added per hour worked for the following industries: agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing (A+B), mining, electricity, gas and water supply (C+E), manufacturing (D), construction (F), wholesale and retail trade, hotels and restaurants (G+H), transport (I) and others (J-P)

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