Effect of Potassium Salts on Extractable Soil Manganese


Incubation experiments with an acid, poorly drained soil (Typic Albaqualf) showed that the level of extractable Mn was increased by salt treatments. The relative order of the salt effect was KBr > KCl > KNO? > K?SO?. Soil pH changes accounted for the majority of the KNO? and K?SO? treatment effects, but the KCl and KBr effects could not be explained on this basis. In addition, ionic strength considerations and differential biological activities were not found to be factors influencing the K salt effects in the soil system. A hypothesis is presented to explain the KCl or KBr effect, in which the anion would function in an oxidation-reduction reaction. This hypothesis is supported by the fact that the soil treated with KBr contained more extractable Mn than that treated with KCl, in accordance with theory. Theoretical calculations also suggested the possibility that both Cl- and Br- could reduce the lower valency Mn oxides under the experimental soil conditions

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