Některé právní otázky související se zaváděním informačních systémů v nadnárodních firmách


Abstract: One of noticeable features of globalization are rapid changes of information systems. If a company wants to be successful, it must carry out many actions having impact on information system. This increasingly concerns multi-national companies, which solve this challenge by multi-national ERP system implementations. Some basic formal prerequisites must be fulfilled to introduce successful multi-national ERP system. Harmonized legal, currency and custom systems in target countries are to be mentioned here in the first place. Intercompany decision system and culture are the next important point. After the delivering party is chosen, other important principles are to be complied with. Local specifics shall be taken into account in order to avoid conflicts, delays and language barriers. Proper definitions and clauses in all parts of the contract help to solve eventual problems during project and implementation stage. These topics must be mastered not only by company lawyers but by IT managers, too. This is why it is an opposite praxis to include tuition of special law lectures into management and information technology education

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