Streamlining the Electronic Text Workflow


Digital libraries have a long history of supporting electronic text projects usually following the Text Encoding Initiative Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange. For those of us grappling with either legacy encoded texts, ongoing encoding projects or more likely a combination of both, we are always attempting to improve our e-text workflow in ways that cultivate, promote and support all levels of encoded texts from mass digitization initiatives to scholarly encoding. As part of this presentation, we will: review a range of encoding projects supported by the Digital Library Program; discuss the tension between out of box and boutique e-text projects; and explore strategies and frameworks that will help us define a streamlined e-text service model capable of supporting the myriad of textual markup use cases and levels of encoding that we commonly encounter in libraries. Three recent e-text projects will showcase new approaches we have taken to address these issues: Victorian Women Writers Project, The Brevier Legislative Reports, and Indiana Authors and Their Books. This is a work in progress, but we are in search for that balanced model in which we are able to accommodate production-level and research projects equally well, not at the expense of the other, and with an eye toward modular, reusable development and deployment of e-text projects. To that end, we are interested in ideas you may have, so please join us

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