Monitoring near-surface thermal properties in conjunction with energy and moisture budgets to facilitate the optimization of ground-source heat pumps in the glaciated Midwest


This poster was presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2011, San Francisco, Calif., on December 7, 2011. It was part of IN33C, Geothermal energy research and discovery II posters session.By exploiting the near-surface heat reservoir, ground-source heat pumps (GSHP) represent an important renewable energy technology that can be further developed by establishing data sets related to shallow (<100m) thermal regimes. Although computer programs are available for GSHP installers to calculate optimal lengths and configurations of ground-coupling geothermal systems, uncertainties exist for input parameters that must first be determined for these models. Input parameters include earth temperatures and thermal properties of unconsolidated materials. Furthermore, thermal conductivity of sediments varies significantly depending on texture and moisture content, highlighting the need to characterize various unconsolidated materials under varying soil moisture regimes. Regolith texture data can be, and often are, collected for particular installations, and are then used to estimate thermal properties for system design. However, soil moisture and temperature gradients within the vadose zone are rarely considered because of the difficulty associated with collecting a sufficient amount of data to determine predominant moisture and temperature ranges. Six monitoring locations were chosen in Indiana to represent unique hydrogeologic settings and near-surface glacial sediments. The monitoring approach includes excavating trenches to a depth of 2 meters (a typical depth for horizontal GSHP installations) and collecting sediment samples at 0.3-meter intervals to determine thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, and heat capacity in the laboratory using the transient line heat source method. Temperature sensors are installed at 0.3-meter intervals to continuously measure thermal gradients. Water-content reflectometers are installed at 0.3, 1, and 2 meters to determine continuous volumetric soil moisture. In-situ thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity are measured at 1.5 meters using a differential temperature sensor that measures radial differential temperature around a heating wire. Micrometeorological data (precipitation, insolation, ambient air temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed) are also collected to determine surface energy and water budgets that drive fluxes of energy and moisture in the shallow subsurface. By establishing continuous, year-round data, fluctuations in seasonal energy budgets and unsaturated zone soil moisture can be considered such that GSHP system designers can establish accurate end members for thermal properties, thereby optimizing the ground-coupling component of GSHPs. These data will also provide empirical controls such that soil moisture and temperature regimes can be spatially distributed based on mapped soil units and hydrogeologic settings in Indiana

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