1型プロコラーゲンC末端プロペプチドおよび1型コラーゲン・cross-linked carboxyterminal telopeptideを用いた胎児期骨代謝の特徴の検討


我々は,胎児の生理的な骨代謝を検討するため,骨形成および骨吸収に関する指標を検討した.検査の意義と方法を説明し,母から承諾の得られた74例の新生児(何も合併症のない早期産児34例,満期産児40例)における臍帯血および1歳未満の健康乳児8例の末梢血の血中P1CP(1型プロコラーゲンC末端プロペプチド)と1CTP(1型コラーゲン・cross-linked carboxyterminal telopeptide)を測定した.新生児74例における膀帯血中P1CP,1CTP値は,それぞれ,1423.5±611.6,95.8±34.2ng/ml(mean±SD)であった.P1CPあるいは1CTP値と,妊娠週数,出生時体重,身長,頭囲の間にはそれぞれ有意な負の相関を認めた.(p<0.0001).妊娠週数に伴うP1CP,1CTP値の変化と,標準胎児体重増加率との関係を比べると,血中P1CPおよび1CTP値の曲線と標準胎児体重増加率の曲線はほぼ平行であった.血中P1CP,1CTP値は,出生時平均体重を等しくした妊娠週数の異なる2群間比較では,妊娠週数が少ない群ほど高値であった.また,出生時平均妊娠週数を等しくした体重の異なる2群比較では,体重が少ない群ほど高値であった.1歳未満の健康乳児8例におけるP1CP,1CTPの分析結果では,新生児の値に比し,P1CPが高値で,1CTPが低値であり,P1CP/1CTP比の平均値は新生児のそれに比べて4倍も高値であった.それに対し,出生児のP1CP/1CTP比の平均値は早期産児,満期産児に関係なく一定であった.我々の今回の検討結果から,胎生児期における骨代謝は著しく活発であり,その身体の発育と妊娠週数が骨代謝に強く関連している.また未熟児の骨代謝は未熟性が強いほど高回転性であり,!歳までの乳児では骨形成が優位に起こっている.In an effort to elucidate the physiology of fetal bone metabolism, we studied markers of bone formation and resorption. Cord blood levels of P1CP (the carboxy-terminal propeptide of type 1 procollagen) and 1CTP (the pyridinoline cross-linked carboxy-terminal telopeptide of type 1 collagen) were measured in 74 newborns (40 healthy newborns, 34 preterm newborns with no complications) at birth and 8 healthy infants during the first year of life. The cord blood levels of P1CP and 1CTP in the 74 newborns were 1423.5 ± 611.6 and 95.8 ± 34.2 ng/ml (mean ± SD), respectively. There were significant negative correlations between the concentra-tions of P1CP or 1CTP and gestational age, birth weight, birth length and head circumference (p<0.0001). Comparisons among the levels of P1CP and 1CTP and the rate of standard fetal weight gain, revealed the curves of P1CP and 1CTP levels to nearly parallel the curves of the standard fetal weight gain rate in male and female newborns. P1CP and ICTP levels corresponded to birth weight as well as gestational age, with the influences of other factors being negligible. We also assayed P1CP and 1CTP in 8 healthy infants under one year of age, and found that a high P1CP value and low 1CTP value resulted in a 4-fold increase in the mean P1CP/1CTP ratio, as compared to the newborns. In contrast, the P1CP/1CTP ratio was nearly constant during the preterm and term periods. The results suggest that high turnover reflects high bone remodeling activity which corresponds to rapid morphological changes in the fetal period, that high turnover processes are strongly associated with physical growth as well as gestational age in immature fetal bone and that bone formation is the dominant process in healthy infants during the first year of life

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