Étude paléoparasitologique des latrines du Pavillon royal et du 3e Pavillon du Levant du Château de Marly


Parasitological analyses of the third Pavilion du Levant and the Royal Pavilion are in continuity with those carried out by Françoise Bouchet on the latrines of the second Pavilion du Levant, published in 1998. The initial objective is to confirm the excremental nature of these different deposits and then to reconstitute the health status and microbial population of the intestinal flora of the subjects of Louis XIV’s court. To answer this question, a large multidisciplinary scientific team intervened to carry out the various parasitological and molecular analyses. This first report sets out the means put in place as well as the results relating to optical microscopy, toxicological and metagenomic data

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