Stormwater Pollution Prevention BMP Workshop, Demonstration, and Evaluation


With the recent promulgation of Phase II of the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Stormwater Pollution Control regulations, many construction companies, consulting engineers, architects, and regulating agency personnel are unaware of the new stormwater pollution reduction requirements. In addition, they are typically unaware of Best Management Practices (BMPs) that are available to mitigate stormwater discharge pollution and the proper methods of installing and maintaining BMPs. The Water Quality Goals and Objectives were to train engineers, contractors, architects, and governmental officials on the new Phase II Storm Water NPDES regulations and Best Management Practices available for construction projects. The Original Timeframe was to offer Erosion and Sediment Control workshops in Northwest Arkansas and Little Rock areas by February 28, 2002 and again by August 30, 2002. Both sets of workshops were conducted according to the original schedule. In addition, demonstrations of the effectiveness of four BMPs were to be conducted by June 30, 2003 and those demonstrations were conducted according to the original schedule. The University of Arkansas, Fayetteville and three manufacturers of BMPs were cooperators on this grant and all provided the needed cooperation. The construction site BMPs that were demonstrated were silt fence, straw wattle (fiber role), erosion control blanket, and straw mulch. Funding for this project including developing a workshop for engineers, architects, and designers, a workshop for contractors, putting on both workshops, and demonstrating the BMPs was provided by the Arkansas Soil and Water Conservation Commission and the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville for 141,311and141,311 and 77,547 respectively

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