
Interpolation Techniques for Overset Grids


The use of finite difference schemes in computational aeroacoustics requires the use of structured grids incomputational space. Complex geometries in the physical space can be modeled using multiple overlapping grids that are transformed into computational space. In this work, finite difference schemes are used that necessitate the addition of psuedo- or ghost-points in the overlap region of the grids for closure of the difference stencil. The functional values at these ghost points must be approximated from the values at the original grid points. This paper investigates interpolation techniques for these overset grids. An n th order interpolation scheme using Lagrange polynomials is applied to the one dimensional (ID) wave propagation problem to test the effects of increasing the interpolation order. This is done for both equal and unequal sized overset grids. Preliminary results from two dimensional (2D) grids will be presented

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