
The strong-coupling limit of minimal lattice Landau gauge


We study the gluon and ghost propagators of lattice Landau gauge in the strong coupling limit β=0\beta = 0 in pure SU(2) lattice gauge theory to find evidence of the conformal infrared behaviour of these propagators as predicted by a variety of functional continuum methods for asymptotically small momenta q2ΛQCD2q^2 \ll \Lambda_\mathrm{QCD}^2. In the strong-coupling limit, this same behaviour is obtained for the larger values of a2q2a^2q^2 (in units of the lattice spacing aa), where it is otherwise swamped by the gauge field dynamics. Deviations for a2q2<1a^2 q^2 < 1 are well parametrized by a transverse gluon mass 1/a\propto 1/a. Perhaps unexpectedly, these deviations are thus no finite-volume effect but persist in the infinite-volume limit. They furthermore depend on the definition of gauge fields on the lattice, while the asymptotic conformal behaviour does not.Comment: 7 pages; talk presented at the XXVI International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, July 14-19 2008, Williamsburg, Virginia, US

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