Visions of Nation and State in the Doctrines of Cultural Aspect of the Polish Indigenous Faith


The main purpose of this article is to present some of the Polish pre- Christian traditions and customs existing along indigenous beliefs. Categories as nation and state, evoked in the title, occur not only in the philosophical and sociopolitical context but also to some degree in the confessional realm. The first part of the article deals with a social movement “Zadruga” which was also a name of a journal, both founded by Jan Stachniuk (1905-1963). The purpose of this movement was the sacralization of intellectual creativity and the worship of cosmic energy manifested in a strong will. According to Stachniuk’s philosophy great achievements and prosperity are not obtained by a prayer but rather through one’s own efforts and determination, which he shortly referred to as a “creative will”. The second part addresses the concept of a nation according to the Zadruga philosophy; its states that the collective psyche of a nation is created by race, environment and world vision. In another words, a nation is understood both as a historical and a cultural community as well as a racial and a biological one. Further, the author elaborates on Stachniuk’s understanding of so called “Slavic Myth” which became a manifest of the Zadruga nation. According to this myth, the Polish nation was supposed to play a role of a contemporary “Slavic Messiah”. The Polish nation was also meant to spear-head a movement towards forging a Slavic Empire. The whole movement drew on the old Slavic customs and beliefs, however, due to some innovations, it was also called “Zadruga” neo-pagan movement. This social activity reflected the Polish indigenous faith which integrated Hellenistic style of a versatile person (kalokagathia), an individual developed physically, spiritually and aware of one’s responsibility for one’s actions. In the conclusion we learn that the Polish-Slavic indigenous faith incorporates not only cultic aspects such as reconstructed old myths and customs but also political ideas manifested through nationalistic tendencies

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