University Hospital for Tumors, University Hospital Center Sestre milosrdnice
Colorectal carcinoma is the third most common cancer site in Croatia, according to the data published by the The Croatian National Cancer Registry. In the last decade, the knowledge about pathogenesis and molecular background of colorectal carcinoma has increased dramatically. More than 90% of colorectal carcinomas are adenocarcinomas originating from epithelial cells of the colorectal mucosa. Tumor staging is the most important prognostic predictor of clinical outcome for patients with colorectal carcinoma. The TNM classification has nowdays replaced other classification systems (Dukes,
Astler-Coller) and serves as golden standard in everyday practise.In 2012, 5th Croatian Congress for Pathology resulted in uniform standard for pathologic reporting for all cancer sites. The future for colorectal cancer prognosis and therapy is to discover new molecular subtypes of colorectal cancer which represents the future of personalized oncology and will guide drug-development strategies.Prema podacima Registra za rak karcinom kolorektuma je treće najčešće tumorsko sijelo u Hrvatskoj. U zadnjih deset godina imamo brojna nova saznanja o patogenezi i molekularnim karakteristikama karcinoma kolorektuma. Više od 90% kolorektalnih karcinoma su adenokarcinomi po histološkom tipu, porijekla epitelnih stanica kolorektalne mukoze. Stadij tumora je najbitniji prognostički čimbenik za pacijente s tom bolešću. U današnje je vrijeme TNM klasifikacija zamijenila druge klasifikacijske sustave (Dukes, Astler-Coller) i koristi se kao zlatni standard u svakodnevnoj praksi. 2012. na Hrvatskom kongresu patologa, doneseni su standardi za sva tumorska sjela, koje mora zadovoljavati svaki patohistološki nalaz. Budućnost prognoze i terapije kolorektalnog karcinoma je otkriće novih molekularnih podtipova prema kojima bi se određivala personalizirana onkološka terapija te odredile nove strategije liječenja