Simon de Montfort et le gouvernement : Statut des femmes dans les Statuts de Pamiers (art. 46) avant la Magna Carta


Promulgated at Pamiers (Languedoc, France), 1stDecember 1212 by Simon de Montfort after its first great victory during the Albigensian Crusade, those Statutes (juridical texts) are known as the introductory act for the Coutume of Paris in Languedoc, and more specifically regarding heirs rights. Redacted for the administration of newly conquest territories, the establishment of peace and to promote catholic faith against heresy and Languedocians owners of the land, theses Statutes dispose on women in their three final articles. More particularly, the article 46 concerns nobles and heirs women and decides, thanks to matrimony institution, who (and how) they have to marry in order to plan the implantation of new lineage; what we could call a colonizing system. As a philologist, we make the exegesis of this article 46, trying to explain its meaning and show how women (and their body) are in war period a place to conquest, and how in those conditions the violence can take place in a socialized system as regular matrimony is. Simon of Montfort being also involved in English troubles against king John, and elected by rebels barons as possible future king of England, we consider the well known influence of the Statutes of Pamiers on the redaction of the Magna Carta (1215), regarding the articles on women

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