Ex-vivo Characterization of the Lipolytic Response of Mouse Adipose Tissue to Endocrine Stimuli


Fasting improves insulin sensitivity by increasing cellular uptake of glucose which affects lipolysis. To better characterize the endocrine function of visceral white adipose tissue (WAT) an ex-vivo model using tissue explants from fasted and non-fasted DBA/2J mice was tested. Endocrine stimulators used were B-adrenergic (BA), isopreternol, and adenylyl cyclase (AC), forskoline, receptor stimulators. Lipolysis was measured by non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA) and glycerol concentrations in media. With isopreternol, fasted mice showed a more than 10- fold increase in NEFA secretion than non-fasted mice; BA pathway increased lipolysis significantly more than AC stimulation in mouse WAT. Together, these findings indicate that hormones play a major role in WAT lipolytic function

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