Moment matching technique for fast and robust uncertainty quantifications of complex systems


Despite the growing popularity of reinforced concrete (RC) core walls, robust uncertainty quantification of their global and local performances remains an intractable challenge. A combination of a random sampling technique in conjunction with a simplified structural analysis has been widely used, but substantial ambiguity remains in the simulation accuracy and the resultant uncertainties. As a fast and robust alternative, this study suggests a moment matching (MM) technique. MM can dramatically reduce required sample points to only a few, which enables a direct use of a high-precision parallel multiscale finite element analysis (PM-FEA) for uncertainty quantification. This study demonstrates how to apply the combination of MM and PM-FEA to quantify uncertainties behind complex RC core walls, notably in terms of global force-resisting capacity and microscopic progressive bar buckling of five U-shaped walls. Results suggest that the combination of MM and PM-FEA will serve as a promising method to improve our understanding of uncertainties behind complex RC structure

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