Consumers’ Clothing Benefits and Expectations on Smartphone Fashion Apps


More than 90 million people used smartphones in the United States in 2012 (Alexander 2012). It is estimated that the smartphone application market will experience growth of more than 1,000% between 2010 and 2014 (Petty & Goasduff, 2011). Fashion brands and companies have created smartphone apps as a new communication tool to create a strong connection with consumers and ultimately lead to continuous purchases without site and time limitations (Kim 2010). Since this field has become competitive, fashion brands need to understand consumers\u27 expectations and design more attractive apps to lead consumers to purchase them (Maceli, 2011). This study investigates what kinds of specific expectations consumer have about functions of smartphone fashion apps and how they differ from their benefit segmentations. This study will give ideas to app developers and fashion brands and/or companies when they are launching and managing fashion brand apps

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