Impact of clothing consumption values and lifestyle on smartwatch acceptance


Lifestyle has been an important concept for marketing purposes, and describes behavior of individual, a small group of interacting people, and large groups of people acting as potential consumer. Consumer\u27s clothing consumption values are considerably significant in fashion consumer research area and reasons of consumer\u27s decisions upon specific products and brands. Smartwatches have been accepted as not only the \u27next big thing\u27 that would have significant effect on consumers\u27 daily lives but also could be a type of fashion product. Hence, the purpose of this research is to examine the impact of consumer\u27s clothing consumption values and lifestyles toward smartwatch acceptance. Total of 288 participants the online self-reported survey and each of them required to answer the screening question, Do you consider the smartwatch as a fashion product? As expected, consumer\u27s lifestyles have significant impact on clothing consumption values that effect on smartwatch acceptance behaviors differently

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