Saccade Detection Using Polar Coordinates – a New Algorithm


Over the past few decades substantial research has been conducted regarding saccades (rapid eye movements). There are two components of this research. First there is the detection of the saccades, and second how to interpret the saccades features (amplitude, length, and velocity) to inform specific areas of research. This involves both experimental research and clinical applications. The detection of saccades is typically accomplished using two approaches, including cameras and the electrooculogram (EOG). Both of these approaches require algorithms to process the raw data, detect saccades, and calculate the saccade features. The current effort focuses on detecting saccades in the EOG using a new algorithm based on polar coordinates. The details of this algorithm will be presented, as will a calibration procedure and validation of the algorithm’s accuracy. This algorithm was used in a recent study in which operator workload was manipulated. The saccade features produced by the algorithm were analyzed with respect to the workload manipulations. These results will be discussed

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