Daylighting Optimization Study: Rock Creek High School Commons Skylight Optimization


The aim of this study is to optimize the shape of the skylights in order to enhance daylighting. Rhino, Diva, Grasshopper, and Galapagos are the softwares utilized to test differing shapes on top and bottom of the shaft of the skylight, and the findings show preference to those with beneficial impacts on Spatial daylighting autonomy (sDA) of greater than 55% and Annual Solar Exposure (ASE) of less than 10%. Selecting metrics within the above parameters result in optimal skylight geometry with highest daylighting output. The initial purpose of the experiment was to optimize the design of the skylight shaft with the goal of providing the best distribution of daylight while minimizing potential for glare; however, it appears that this shaping may have negligible effects on how the skylight performs as long as the sDA is greater than 55%

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