
Autor polazi od konstatacije da se dogodila znatna promjena u rješavanju pitanja pristupa sakramentima rastavljenih i ponovno civilno vjenčanih katolika nakon što je Kongregacija za nauk vjere, 1994. godine, uputila pismo biskupima Katoličke crkve o pristupanju razvedenih i ponovno civilno vjenčanih vjernika sakramentima. Uporaba epikeje, rješenje kroz forum internum i korištenje iskustva istočnih Crkava nisu dostatni za rješavanje problematike. Potrebno je potaknuti teološko-biblijska razmišljanja o novim aspektima pojmova koji obilježavaju kršćanski brak. To su pojmovi «consummatum », konsenzus i sakramentalnost braka. Osim toga, sugeriraju se neka poboljšanja u praksi crkvenih sudova kako bi se ubrzalo rješavanje slučajeva proglašenja ništavnosti braka. Pastoral mora uvažiti neke druge oblike ophođenja s rastavljenima i ponovno civilno vjenčanim vjernicima kako bi oni bili više uključeni u život Crkve. Pitanje njihova pristupa sakramentima mora biti usklađeno s teološkim pretpostavkama koje predstavljaju istinski izazov teološko- biblijskoj znanosti.After the letter of the Congregation for the doctrine of faith, dated in 1994, concerning the admission to sacraments of civilly remarried believers, there has been a significant change in the approach to the question of admission to sacraments of divorced and civilly remarried Catholics. The usage of epikeia, solution through the forum internum and the experience of the Eastern Churches do not suffice for the solution of the problem. Theological and biblical reflections are needed concerning some new aspects of ideas characteristic for the Christian marriage. These are notions like: “consumatum”, consensus and the sacramentality of the marriage. Beside this, there have been suggestions for the improvement of the practice of Church courts, in order to fasten the solutions in cases of proclaiming the annulment of a marriage. The pastoral practice must consider some other ways of dealing with the divorced and civilly remarried, so that they might be more involved in the life of the church. The issue of their admission to the sacraments should be in line with theological presuppositions, which are a real challenge for the theological and biblical sciences

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