
Niz estetičkih problema poput umjetničkoga izražaja, stila, osjećaja, otvorenih od Benedetta Crocea i Giovanija Gentilea, u Luigiju Stefaniniju u isto vrijeme pronalaze bliskoga sugovornika i kritičara. Umjetnost je za njega „apsolutna riječ“ preko dovršenosti kojom djelo živi vlastitim životom, preko autonomnosti po kojoj forma ne upućuje na drugo nego na samu sebe. U umjetnosti su biti i izraziti jedno te isto. Djelo sadržava beskraj jer u sebi nosi sve što mu je potrebno kako bi se pokazalo u svojoj cjelovitosti. Kao iz svoje jezgre, forma djela nastaje u aktivnosti umjetnika, stoga je načelo jedinstva djela više u osobi autora negoli u intimnoj svrsi samoga djela. Iako u svojim promišljanjima o umjetnosti prihvaća idealističke teme, Stefanini im preko personalističkoga utemeljenja daje sasvim novo usmjerenje čime njegova misao ni danas ne gubi na važnosti unutar spekulativnoga diskursa suvremene talijanske estetike.A whole ray of aesthetical problems like artistic expression, style, feeling, which were opened in the works of Bennedeto Croce and Giovanni Gentile, found a close interpreter and critic in Luigi Stefanini. For him, art was an “absolute word” because of the completeness through which the work lives its own life, because of the autonomy through which the form signifies nothing else but itself. In the art “to be” and “to express” are the same thing. The work includes infinity, because it carries in itself everything necessary to show its own wholeness. As from its core, the form of the work is created in the activity of the artist, so the principle of the unity of the work is in the person of the author rather than in the intimate purpose of the work itself. Although in his thoughts on art he accepts idealistic themes, Stefanini gives them a totally new direction through personalistic foundation and for this his thought even today does not lose its importance in the speculative discourse of the contemporary Italian aesthetics

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