Specifična slika djeteta u Montessori pedagogiji utječe na značajke Montessori odgojitelja, njegovu osobnu i stručnu pripremu te njegovu unutarnju pripremu. U ovom se radu analiziraju specifičnosti navedene pedagogije glede djeteta, odgojitelja i pripremljene okoline. Montessori pedagogija računa s periodima ili razdobljima posebne osjetljivosti kod djece i pridaje im veliku razvojnu i odgojnu važnost, a da bi dijete uspješno prošlo svaki od perioda, potrebno je da odrasli slijede i odgovaraju na potrebe djeteta. Na kraju rada istaknut ćemo glavne specifičnosti razvoja i poimanja djeteta prema ovoj pedagogiji.A specific picture of the child in Montessori pedagogy affects the qualities of Montessori educators, their personal and professional preparation and their internal preparation. This paper analyses the specifics of the mentioned pedagogy regarding the child, the educator and the prepared environment. Montessori pedagogy counts on periods or times of special sensitivity in children and attaches great developmental and educational importance to them, so that, should the child successfully pass each of the periods, it is necessary for adults to follow and respond to the needs of the child. At the end of the paper we will highlight the child’s main developmental characteristics and understanding of the child according to this pedagogy