Homo sapiens innocens. Wisława Szymborska (Eko)Poetski projekt.


Nature occupies one of the most important topics in Wisława Szymborska’s poetry, where the lyrical subject is always positioned in relation to other beings and within the perspective of an extended time span. The author of this article, in accentuating the anthropocentric perspective on Szymborska’s poetry, proposes a reading of her poetry in the context of ecopoetry. She understands it, following Julia Fiedorczuk, as a call to reevaluate the relationship between the human and non-human world, to reflect, with the aid of poetry, on the relationship between poetry and the natural world, and also to lift the dualism between nature and culture.Priroda je jedna od važnijih tema poezije Wisławe Szymborske, a njezin je junak uvijek situiran prema drugim bićima i u perspektivi dugog trajanja. Autorica članka, naglašavajući antropocentričnost gledišta toga stvaralaštva, istodobno predlaže čitanje pjesama dobitnice Nobelove nagrade u kontekstu ekopoetike. Kao i Julija Fiedorczuk, ekopoetiku shvaća kao postulat prevrednovanja odnosa među ljudskim i ne-ljudskim svijetom, razmatranja veza između poezije i prirodne okoline pomoću pjesme, kao i ukidanja dualizma između prirode i kulture

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