1st Biospeleological Expedition - Biokovo 2017


Pretpostavlja se da na Biokovu postoji preko 1 000 speleoloških objekata od kojih je nešto više od 400 do sada zabilježeno, a više od 115 je biospeleološki istraženo. Prijašnja istraživanja podzemne faune pokazala su da je Biokovo jedno od najbogatijih područja podzemnom faunom u Hrvatskoj. Navedeni podaci su ukazali na potrebu za dodatnim biospeleološkim istraživanjem speleoloških objekata Biokova. Prvu biospeleološku ekspediciju – Biokovo 2017 je organiziralo Hrvatsko biospeleološko društvo u suradnji s udrugom Breganja i Speleološkim odsjekom Planinarskog društva Imber. Ekspedicija je početno imala dva glavna cilja: biospeleološki istražiti 8 dubokih jama na području Parka prirode Biokovo i ponoviti nacrt Vilimove jame (A-2). Glavni termin ekspedicije je bio od 17. do 25. lipnja 2017. Prije same ekspedicije su napravljena dva terenska izlaska u svibnju i lipnju kada su označeni pristupi do dubokih jama i glavnina objekata se opremila, te jedan teren u listopadu nakon ekspedicije. Na ekspediciji je prema preliminarnim rezultatima pronađeno 10-ak novih vrsta za znanost. Topografski su snimljene 2 duboke jame (Jama pod Kamenitim vratima i Nova velika), Vilimova jama (A-2) do 101 m dubine, A-1 do 110 m dubine i 4 manja speleološka objekta. Biospeleološka istraživanja su provedena u ukupno 26 speleoloških objekata, među kojima je bilo 8 dubokih jama. Ekspedicija je brojila ukupno 52 sudionika među kojima 43 biospeleologa i/ili speleologa iz 20 speleoloških i bioloških udruga i organizacija. Među sudionicima je bilo i 6 stranaca.It is conjectured that there are over 1000 caves on the Biokovo Mountain of which more than 400 have been found so far and 115 have been biologically surveyed. Earlier research suggested that the Biokovo Mountain is home to the richest subterranean fauna in Croatia and that further understanding of the cave biology was necessary. The “1st Biospeleological Expedition - Biokovo 2017” was organised by the Croatian Biospeleological Society in cooperation with the Breganja Association and Imber Speleological Section.  The two main goals of the expedition were to biologically survey eight deep caves in the Biokovo Nature Park and to update the survey of Vilimova Jama (A-2). The main part of the expedition took place from 17th to 25th June 2017 but it took two other visits in May and June to mark the approaches to the deep caves and to equip most of them. More work was also done in October after the expedition. According to preliminary results, around 10 new species have been found, two deep caves (Jama Pod Kamenitim Vratima and Nova Velika) and four shallower caves were completely surveyed, and Vilimova Jama (A-2) Cave and A-1 Cave were mapped to depths of 101 m and 110 m, respectively.  Biospeleological research was carried out in 26 caves of which eight are deep caves. Altogether 52 people participated in the expedition of which 43 were speleologists or biospeleologists from twenty different speleological and biological associations. Among the participants, six people were from other countries

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