How Does Art Act in Crisis? Togetherness and Friendship as Artistic Concept


Na temelju teza Hannah Arendt i posebno Judith Butler, u tekstu se promišlja o „krizi” u suvremenoj umjetnosti u uvjetima ideološke prekarizacije. Postoje li savezništva u razmišljanju i djelovanju? Metodom slobodne navigacije kroz recentnu umjetničku praksu nailazi se na geste koje je moguće dovesti u vezu s oblicima savezništva, zajedništva i prijateljstva.Based on Hannah Arendt’s thesis, and especially Judith Butler’s body of work, the paper examines “the crisis” in contemporary art under the conditions of precarization. Are there any alliances in thought or action? By using the method of free navigation through recent art practices, it is possible to find gestures which can be associated with forms of alliances, community and friendship

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