Urogenital war injuries treated at Medical center in Slavonski Brod


Na Kirurškom odjelu Medicinskog centra Slavonski Brod bilo je tijekom Domovinskog rata hospitalizirano i liječeno 4520 ranjenika, od kojih 91 (2%) zbog urogenitalnih ozljeda. Najčešće zahvaćeni organ bio je bubreg, u 55 (60,4%), a najrjeđe ureter u 3 (3,3%) slučaja. Ozljede bubrega, uretera i mjehura bile su kombinirane s ozljedama abdominalnih organa u 97% slučajeva. Izvršeno je 37 (67%) nefrektomija, a od 18 ozljeda testisa, u 10 je bila izvršena orhidektomija.At the Surgical Department of Slavonski Brod Medical Center, 4520 wounded were hospitalized, 91 of whom (2%) because of urogenital wounds. Kidney injury was the most common (55 cases, i.e. 60.4%) and ureteral injury (3 cases, i.e. 3.3%) the least common. In 97% of cases injuries of the kidney, ureter and bladder were associated with different abdominal injuries. In 37 of 55 kidney injuries (67%) nephrectomy was performed, and 10 of 18 testicular injuries (55.5%) were treated by orchidectomy

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