Self-similarity of molecular association in double layers


Asocijacija molekula površinski aktivnih tvari (PAT), rast i agregacija samoasocijata u lamelarne dvoslojeve (fleksibilne i zatvorene), micele, vezikule i tekuće kristale, predstavljaju važna temeljna istraživanja s primjenom - između ostalog - na transmembranska svojstva vezikula u prijenosu i enkapsulaciji lijekova. Među mnogim praktičnim upotrebama amfifilni agregati predstavljaju mogućnost primjene dobro definiranih dvoslojeva i multislojeva liotropnih mezotaza za kozmetičku i faimaceutsku industriju. Asocijati katanionskih PAT pokazuju široku raznovrsnost oblika, veličina i strukture čestica pa je moguće proizvesti nove materijale različitih svojstava. Vezikule mogu nastajati spontano kao rezultat samo nakupljanja fleksibilnih monoslojeva u jednoslojne i višeslojne meke čestice sa zatvorenim dvoslojevima. U ovom radu istraživanja su provedena u katanionskim smjesama natrijevoga n dodecilbenzensulfonata (SDBS) i didodecildimetil amonijevoga bromida (DDAB) u vodi te u vodenim otopinama neionskoga dvolančanog PAT, 4-(l-pentilheptil)benzensulfonata (6SDBS). Određivanje faznoga dijagrama, područja stvaranja micela i vezikula te faznih prijelaza, određivanje unutarnjih i vanjskih struktura čestica, provedeno je s pomoću metode raspršenja svjetlosti, raspršenja X zraka pod malim kutom te drugih komplementarnih metoda, npr. reoloških mjerenja u pseudo-izotropnim područjima koja dobro indiciraju stvaranje micela i vezikula karakterizirano kritičnim micelizacijskim i vezikularnim koncentracijama. Dodatno, mezofaze su istraživane polarizacijskom i elektronskom mikroskopijom.Surfactant molecules association, growth and aggregation of selt associates into lamellar bilayers (flexible and closed), micelles, vesicles and liquid crystals, is considered to present important fundamental research with application to trans-membrane properties in the drug delivery and encapsulation. Among many practical applications, the amphiphilic aggregates present the possibility of using well defined bilayers and multilayers in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry. Associates of catanionic surfactants show a wide variety of particle shapes, sizes and structures, and due to that, the new materials of different properties could be prepared. Vesicles can be formed spontaneously as a result of self-association of flexible monolayers into unilamellar and multilamellar soft particles with closed bilayers. In this paper investigations have been performed in catanionic mixtures of Sodium n-dodecylbenzensulfonate (SDBS) and Didodecyldimetyl ammonium bromide (DDAB) in water, and in the water solutions of nonionic double-chain surfactant, 4-( 1 pentylheptyl)benzenesulfonate (6SDBS). Phase diagram, regions of micelles and vesicles formation, phase transitions, outer and inner structures of particles, were investigated by light scattering, small angle X-ray scattering, and other related methods, e.g., rheological measurements within pseudoisotropic regions that indicated the formation of micelles and vesicles as characterised by the critical micellisation and vesiculation concentrations. In addition, mesophases have been confirmed by polarisation and electron microscopy

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