Man and his symbols


Cilj je članka ukazivanje na funkciju i značaj simbola, kako u povijesnom razvoju tako i u svakidašnjem životu. Simbol je povijesni likovni artefakt, riznica kolektivne emocije i oduvijek je magično privlačio u traganju i otkrivanju skrivenih suština. Simbol je slika, kip i arhitektura čije je značenje podsvjesno utemeljeno. Preko njega smisao je života bivao prisutan, a samim tim i kontinuitet zagarantiran. Čovjekova potreba da objasni tajne i nađe smisao života pronašla je svoj izraz i u simboličkim spomenicima zadivljujuće ljepote i moći. Simboli su također štitili integritet, integriranost i zdravlje prvobitnoga čovjeka. Diferencijacijom odgovornosti za povijesni opstanak, pridonijeli su i dignitetu medicinske struke. Prikaz geneze simbola na obrascu zvanom vesica piscis (lat. riblji mjehur) upoznaje nas s jednim od mogućih načina stvaranja i razlikovanja simboličkih struktura. Naravno, simboli su samo sredstva za identifikaciju i komunikaciju, a sve ostalo ovisi «o zrelosti» određene kulture.The aim of this paper is to identify the function and the meaning of symbols, both in historical and in everyday life. The symbol is a historical artefact of visual arts, the repository of collective emotions and has always had certain magical attraction for searching and revealing the hidden essence. The symbol is an image, statue or architecture whose meaning is established subconsciously. Through it, the meaning of life has become present thereby the continuity itself ensured. The human need to explain mysteries and reveal the meaning of life has also found its expression in monuments of remarkable beauty and power. The symbols have also protecte the integrity, the level of integration and the health of the ancient man. By differentiating the responsibility for historical survival, they have contributed to the dignity of medical profession. The presentation of symbol genesis based on the pattern of vesica piscis (lat. swimming-bladder) introduces one of the possible modalities of creating and distinguishing between symbolic structures. Nevertheless, the symbols are only means of identification and communication; everything else depends on “maturity” of certain culture

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