
A code for surface modeling and grid generation coupled to a panel method for aerodynamic configuration design


An integrated platform has been developed which features a geometric, a grid generation and an aerodynamic analysis module. The main intent is to execute a quick though reliable preliminary aerodynamic analysis on a generic complex aerodynamic configuration and, at the same time, provide a mean of exporting the defined geometry or grid to leading CAE/CAD, meshing and analysis softwares, for deep detail modifications or more accurate, although time consuming, analysis. In the geometric module, the process of shape definition is easily and intuitively achieved with the aid of specific features and tools. The geometric description relies on NURBS, a flexible, accurate and efficient parametric form. Once the configuration has been defined, the user is ready to move on the grid generation module, or to export it to IGES standard format in order to use CAE/CAD, meshing or aerodynamic analysis programs. The grid generation module is capable to build structured or unstructured meshes. Both of the processes are automatized, even if the user can easily set and control grid parameters. The structured grid generator is oriented to LaWGS description standard, while the unstructured grid can be exported to different formats. The user is now ready to launch Pan Air, a panel method, as the aerodynamic solver. The preprocessor and postprocessor aid to the definition of the flow parameters and to the graphical visualization of the results. One of the strength of this code is the user friendly GUI organization of each module: the user is aided throughout all the steps. Besides this, every module relies on fast computational algorithms to speed up the overall process. For all these reasons, this code has a natural lean to be used in pair with an optimization tool

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