Reductive overgroups of distinguished unipotent elements in simple algebraic groups


Let GG be a simple linear algebraic group over an algebraically closed field KK of characteristic p0p \geq 0. In this thesis, we investigate closed connected reductive subgroups X<GX < G that contain a given distinguished unipotent element uu of GG. Our main result is the classification of all such XX that are maximal among the closed connected subgroups of GG. When GG is simple of exceptional type, the result is easily read from the tables computed by Lawther (J. Algebra, 2009). Our focus is then on the case where GG is simple of classical type, say G=SL(V)G = \operatorname{SL}(V), G=Sp(V)G = \operatorname{Sp}(V), or G=SO(V)G = \operatorname{SO}(V). We begin by considering the maximal closed connected subgroups XX of GG which belong to one of the families of the so-called \emph{geometric subgroups}. Here the only difficult case is the one where XX is the stabilizer of a tensor decomposition of VV. For p=2p = 2 and X=Sp(V1)Sp(V2)X = \operatorname{Sp}(V_1) \otimes \operatorname{Sp}(V_2), we solve the problem with explicit calculations; for the other tensor product subgroups we apply a result of Barry (Comm. Algebra, 2015). After the geometric subgroups, the maximal closed connected subgroups that remain are the X<GX < G such that XX is simple and VV is an irreducible and tensor indecomposable XX-module. The bulk of this thesis is concerned with this case. We determine all triples (X,u,φ)(X, u, \varphi) where XX is a simple algebraic group, uXu \in X is a unipotent element, and φ:XG\varphi: X \rightarrow G is a rational irreducible representation such that φ(u)\varphi(u) is a distinguished unipotent element of GG. When p=0p = 0, this was done in previous work by Liebeck, Seitz and Testerman (Pac. J. Math, 2015). In the final chapter of the thesis, we consider the more general problem of finding all connected reductive subgroups XX of GG that contain a distinguished unipotent element uu of GG. This leads us to consider connected reductive overgroups XX of uu which are contained in some proper parabolic subgroup of GG. Testerman and Zalesski (Proc. Am. Math. Soc, 2013) have shown that when uu is a regular unipotent element of GG, no such XX exists. We give several examples which show that their result does not generalize to distinguished unipotent elements. As an extension of the Testerman-Zalesski result, we show that except for two known examples which occur in the case where (G,p)=(C2,2)(G, p) = (C_2, 2), a connected reductive overgroup of a distinguished unipotent element of order pp cannot be contained in a proper parabolic subgroup of GG

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