
CROCUS is a zero power (100 W) reactor of the Laboratory for Reactor Physics and Systems Behavior (LRS) at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne (EPFL). It is used for teaching and research purposes. Its modeling has relied so far on diffusion theory and point kinetics for the neutronic analysis and simplified thermal hydraulics models for accident analysis. Recently, an effort has started within the LRS to improve its modeling capabilities, the long term goal being to update the CROCUS Safety Analysis Report (SAR) for improved operational flexibility. The present work is focused on the static neutron analysis of CROCUS through the development and preliminary verification of a 3D nodal simulator (e.g. PARCS) model of the reactor, a methodology typically used in the industry for modeling of Light Water Reactors (LWR). The set of homogenized macroscopic cross-sections needed by the core simulator, referred in this work as nuclear data library, is generated by a Monte Carlo based code (e.g. Serpent). The quantities of interest for the verification of the model are the keff, and the control rod worths. An innovative homogenization approach to generate the nuclear data library is considered due to the irregular radial geometry of the CROCUS reactor. The reference solution is provided by another Monte Carlo code, MCNP5. The uncertainty due to the nuclear data in the keff prediction of Serpent is also investigated and amounts to about 500pcm which covers the deviation from unity of keff prediction by MCNP5 and Serpent for a critical CROCUS configuration. PARCS keff predictions are within 400 pcm of the Serpent results

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