Recurrent calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor of the maxilla: report of a case with cytologic diagnosis


Background Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor (CEOT) occurs rarely in the maxilla and lacks classical clinicoradiologic features. The cytologic features in conjunction with the radiologic picture can be helpful in making a preoperative diagnosis and guiding management. Case A young man with a progressively increasing left cheek swelling and proptosis of the left eye was referred for fine needle aspiration cytology. The smears were paucicellular and showed clusters of mildly pleomorphic squamoid cells; abundant, amyloidlike, pink material; and occasional concentric calcification. A provisional diagnosis of CEOT was given and confirmed on histo-pathology. Conclusion The characteristic cytologic findings in association with radiologic features can help the cytopathologist in rendering a firm preoperative diagnosis of CEOT even at atypical sites such as the maxilla

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