Simulations of urban heat island effect in Paris Region during various types of heatwaves, and in different adaptation scenarios


Content - These data present air temperature, in the shade, 2m above grounds in Paris Region (projection: RGF93/Lambert 93, EPSG:2154) at different times of the day, for various heat waves conditions, and in different prospective scenarios for the built-up evolution and adaptation actions implementations. - more information can be found here : Classification of the data - the first 5 letters (e.g. "CDFFA") present the prospective scenario - the 4 following letters (e.g. "HW34") present the type of heat wave - the following 2 letters (e.g. "D8") present the length of the heat wave (number of days after the beginning of the heat wave) - the final letters (e.g. H15) represent the time (UTC : one hour should be added for French time) of the day Prospective scenarios - the first letter is always C - the second letter represents the expansion scenario. They are presented here : Lemonsu, A., Viguié, V., Daniel, M., Masson, V., 2015. Vulnerability to heat waves: Impact of urban expansion scenarios on urban heat island and heat stress in Paris (France). Urban Climate 14, 586–605. - D stands for "dense development" - F for business as usual scenario ("fil de l'eau" in French) - V for a scenario with 10% more parks - the third letter represents the building evolution scenario - F stands for business as usual scenario - V for a scenario with more insulation and reflective roofs - the third letter represents AC use - F stands for strong AC use - M for moderate AC use - N for no AC use - the fourth letter represents vegetation watering - N stands for no watering - A for watering Heat waves - the figure (e.g. "34" in "HW34") represents the intensity class, in °C of the heat wave. It is more precisely the maximum daily temperature observed without the impact of the urban heat island effect. (Tmax=34, 38, 42, or 46°C). Other information - see the file "aggregated data.xls" for more information and data about energy consumption for AC, and averages of temperatures in the city over the entire day

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    Last time updated on 09/07/2019