Pengaruh infratsruktur ekonomi dan tenagakerja terhadap perekonomian daerah di kabupaten/kota provinsi Jawa Tengah tahun 2013


The main objective of this study was to determine the influence of Economic Infrastructure (Roads, Electricity, Water) and Employment to the GDP in Central Java province in 2013. Observations used in this study were 35 districts and cities in Central Java province in 2013. Data collection method used is the method of secondary data the form are publication Economic Infrastructure, the GDP, the publication of population growth, economic development publications and publication of Employment. The analytical method used is the assumptions of classical, natural logarithm regression analysis and statistical tests. The conclusion of this study are, from Economic Infrastructure: Roads do not affect the formation of GDP in Central Java province, electricity affects the GDP formation in Central Java province, water has no effect on the GDP of Central Java province and Employment influence on the formation of GDP Central Java province. The advice from the author is economic infrastructure development are expected to get even more attention from the government of Central Java province. For highways the government should provide special budget allocation for the maintenance and repair of roads, for electricity production capacity must be increased again and reach areas not got by electricity. To Clean water should the water quality protected from pollution and add points of water supply and lowering tariffs and for labor are expected to governments of Central Java province could increase the amount of the existing workforce and give particular attention to the workers who are going to entrepreneurship and fresh graduates who will look for a job. Keywords : GDP, Economic Infrastructure, Employmen

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