The Disaster of 96: An educational way of explaining the physiological reactions produced as a consequence of exposure to low oxygen pressure at high altitude using the film Everest (2015)


The 96 Mount Everest Disaster refers to the events that took place from May 10 to 11, 1996, when eight people caught in a storm were died, some during the ascent and, those who had already reached the Summit, while they descended. The film Everest (2015) faithfully reflects the previous symptoms that occurred during ascension, an important reason to understand the effects of altitude and low gas pressures on the human body. In this paper we address both problems, Everest can help students to understand and reflect on the challenges for body homeostasis that take place at great heights.El Desastre del 96 del Monte Everest se refiere a los eventos ocurrido del 10 al 11 de mayo de 1996, cuando ocho personas atrapadas en un temporal perdieron la vida, algunos durante el ascenso y, aquellos que ya habían hecho cumbre, mientras descendían. La película Everest (2015) refleja fielmente los síntomas previos ocurridos durante la ascensión, razón importante para comprender los efectos de la altura y de las bajas presiones de gases sobre el cuerpo humano. En este trabajo se aborda ambos problemas, Everest puede ayudar al alumnado a entender y reflexionar sobre los desafíos para la homeostasis corporal que tienen lugar a grandes alturas

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