Frente de Juventudes in the school: the construction of the social imaginary of youth during the francoism (1940-1960


Este texto tiene como propósito fundamental analizar cómo los imaginarios sociales constituyen esquemas interpretativos de la realidad, socialmente legitimados y comprometidos con los grupos hegemónicos. Durante el franquismo, las políticas educativas que se llevaron a cabo tenían como objetivo inculcar unos valores y unos conocimientos concretos que buscaban un adoctrinamiento de la infancia. Este estudio pretende comprender cómo se pusieron en marcha una serie de mecanismos en torno a la juventud, dentro y fuera del ámbito escolar, que buscaban este objetivo. Queremos valorar la importancia que el régimen concedió a rituales, conmemoraciones, fiestas escolares, canciones, uniformes… como un medio para transmitir contenidos, valores e ideología.This paper aims to analyze that the social imaginary are interpretations in reality, socially legitimized and committed to the hegemonic groups. During the francoism, the educational policies that were carried out had the aim to inculcate some values and concrete knowledge’s that looked for the indoctrination of the childhood. This study tries to understand how the series of mechanisms were started, around the youth, inside and outside school wide, that looked for this aim. We would also like to highlight the importance given to rituals, commemorations, school parties, songs and school uniforms, by the political regime, as means to transmit their ideology, knowledge, and values

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