Localisation Standards for Joomla! Translator-Oriented Localisation of CMS-Based Websites


[en]For a localiser, the shift from static to CMS-based dynamic websites usually involves assimilating a new editing environment, acquiring administrative rights for the site, and relinquishing the various benefits of using CAT tools. However, the possibility of integrating CAT tools in the localisation process is now becoming a reality by means of localisation standards (mainly ITS and XLIFF). In this paper, we introduce an experimental Java application we have developed for the import/export of multilingual web content for the Joomla! CMS (with the FaLang extension). We go through the workflow and explain the lessons learnt from our experiments with this and other related tools. As our research is translator-oriented, we discuss some current limitations for localisers’ work in the theoretical and practical approaches taken for the multilingual management and translation of CMS-based websites and suggest some alternatives for the futur

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