
Observation of a breeding attempt of European Blackbird Turdus merula in January in a city of western Germany


Am 08. Januar 2007 gegen 11:00 Uhr morgens konnte ich in der Wuppertaler Innenstadt (Stadtteil Elberfeld: 51° 16‘ 26“ N, 007° 08‘ 41“ O, ca. 150 m ü NN) ein Amselweibchen (Turdus merula) beim Füttern von mindestens zwei sperrenden Nestlingen beobachten. Das Nest war auf der Leuchtreklame eines größeren Modehauses unter einem Glasdach platziert.I observed a breeding attempt of an European Blackbird Turdus merula in the city of Wuppertal (North Rhine Westphalia, western Germany: 51° 16’ 26” N, 007° 08’ 41” E, 150 m a.s.l.) on 08 January 2007. The female Blackbird was feeding at least two nestlings. The nest was placed above a luminous advertising above an entrance to a larger fashion store. The nest was covered by glass roofing above the entrance to the store

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