The vegetation of the Coonavitra area, Paroo Darling National Park, western New South Wales


The vegetation of Coonavitra area, Paroo Darling National Park (latitude 31°00’–32° 40’S and longitude 142°10’–144°25’E) in north western New South Wales was assessed using intensive quadrat sampling and mapped using extensive ground truthing and interpretation of aerial photograph and Landsat Thematic Mapper satellite images. In the survey 261 vascular plants species including 37 (14%) exotic species, from 50 families were recorded. Eighteen vegetation communities were identified and mapped, the most widespread being Casuarina pauper/Alectryon oleifolius low open woodland, Acacia loderi tall open shrubland, Flindersia maculosa low open woodland and Acacia aneura open-shrubland. Of particular significance are the extensive areas of Acacia loderi and Acacia melvillei tall open shrubland and one of the northernmost occurrences of Eucalyptus socialis tall open shrubland. Many of these communities have been impacted by a history of 150 years of pastoral use

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