
New combinations in the genera Atractylocarpus and Metzleria


The type species of Atractylocarpus has revealed to be a species of a genus which was later introduced as Camylopodiella. To avoid taxonomic confusions, it was proposed to keep the current use of Atractylocarpus and Campylopodiella by amending the genus Atractylocarpus. This proposal was rejected by the ICBN committee. Therefore the valid genus for all species so far comprised in Atractylocarpus is Metzleria and all species so far included in Campylopodiella must be transferred to Atractylocarpus. Accoringly, all necessary new combinations are introduced here: Atractylocarpus himalayanus (Broth.) J.-P. Frahm , Atractylocarpus malagensis (Herz.) J.-P. Frahm Metzleria comosa (Dix.) J.-P. Frahm, Metzleria madagascariensis (Thér.) J.-P. Frahm, Metzleria nana (Williams) J.-P. Frahm, Metzleria patagonica (Herz. et Thér.) J.-P. Frahm

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