
Angaben zur deutschen Standardaussprache im entstehenden "Großen deutsch-tschechischen akademischen Wörterbuch" (GDTAW) als Kunst des Möglichen


The present article considers how and to which extent the correct German pronunciation is to be entered into the "German-Czech Academic Dictionary" (LGCAD) being written. The authors state that the codified pronunciation of the German Standard ("deutschländisches Deutsch") is the most suitable pronunciation norm because it represents most German speakers despite its many existing variations. This norm, represented by DUDEN, vol. 6 ("Das Aussprachewörterbuch"), is commented with special regard to the role of the German standard in foreign language teaching in the Czech Republic. The authors claim that the teachers ("model speakers" according to Ulrich Ammon’s model of four social forces) as well as dictionary users have to follow a single codified pronunciation norm. For practical reasons, regional varieties shall be selected only according to the "Duden Universalwörterbuch" and "Variantenwörterbuch". In addition, dictionary authors have to focus on the most striking interferences between German and Czech as researched and described by Marie Maroušková

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