
Supplement to "Katalog der schweizerischen Spinnen" - 2. new records from 1993 to 1999


Since the first supplement in 1993 38 species are recorded as new to Switzerland. 14 species are recorded here for the first time for Switzerland: Enoplognatha oelandica (THORELL, 1875); Theridion hemerobium SIMON, 1914; Diplocephalus crassilobus (SIMON, 1884); Diplocephalus pavesii PESARINI, 1996; Linyphia tenuipalpis SIMON, 1884; Porrhomma cambridgei MERRETT, 1994; Porrhomma rosenhaueri (L.KOCH, 1872); Pachygnatha terilis THALER,1991; Hahnia candida SIMON, 1975; Cryptodrassus hungaricus (BALOGH, 1935); Zelotes devotus GRIMM, 1982; Zelotes hermani (CHYZER,1897); Zelotes tenuis (L.KOCH, 1866); Tmarus stellio SIMON, 1875.24 species were published in other papers and are listed here only to complete the catalogue: Episinus maculipesCAVANNA, 1876; Robertus kuehnae BAUCHHENSS & UHLENHAUT, 1993; Centromerus capucinus (SIMON, 1884); Diplocephalus dentatusTULLGREN, 1955; Lepthyphantes arenicola DENIS, 1964; Lepthyphantes insignis (O.P.-CAMBRIDGE, 1913); Lessertia dentichelis (SIMON, 1884); Maro lepidus CASEMIR, 1961; Prinerigone vagans (AUDOUIN, 1826); Pseudomaro aenigmaticus DENIS, 1966; Silometopus bonessi CASEMIR, 1970; Acantholycosa norvegica (THORELL, 1872); Acantholycosa rupicola (DU FOUR, 1820); Pardosa alacris (C. L. KOCH, 1933); Pardosa baehrorum KRONESTEDT, 1999; Pardosa saltans TOPFER-HOFMANN im Druck;Altella biuncata(MILLER, 1949); Agroecainopina O. P.-CAMBRIDGE, 1886; Clubiona pseudoneglecta WUNDERLlCH, 1994; Zodarion italicum (CANESTRINI, 1868);Synaphosus sauvageOVTSHARENKO, LEVY & PLA TNICK, 1994;Zora parallela SIMON, 1878; Thanatus atratus SIMON, 1875; Ozyptila pul/ata (THORELL, 1875).4 species have to be deleted from the catalogue: Diplocephalus foraminifer (O.P.-CAMBRIDGE, 1875); Diplocephalus aft. procer (SIMON, 1884) sensu THALER (1972); Acantholycosa pyrenaea (SIMON, 1876); Zodarion gal/icum (SI MON, 1873). The actual number of known species in Switzerland is 926

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