
Sequential coding of Gauss-Markov sources with packet erasures and feedback


We consider the problem of sequential transmission of Gauss-Markov sources. We show that in the limit of large spatial block lengths, greedy compression with respect to the squared error distortion is optimal; that is, there is no tension between optimizing the distortion of the source in the current time instant and that of future times. We then extend this result to the case where at time t a random compression rate rt is allocated independently of the rate at other time instants. This, in turn, allows us to derive the optimal performance of sequential coding over packet-erasure channels with instantaneous feedback. For the case of packet erasures with delayed feedback, we connect the problem to that of compression with side information that is known at the encoder and may be known at the decoder — where the most recent packets serve as side information that may have been erased, and demonstrate that the loss due to a delay by one time unit is rather small

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